Thursday, 21 March 2013

Choclatey custard baskets

   Hi guys, this is my 200th post, and am soo happy about it..
Today I will share choclatey dessert in order to make this post special... Not long before, I attended choclate classes here at hyderabad... The tutor was soo nice to me, she taught me how to cook seven different types of choclates, though I wanted to make advanced course (Which included how to make choclate bouquets and hundred other types), time did'nt permit me to do so.  Doin or making choclate requires immense patience, and perfection bcoz this is a highly sensitive process,,, if you fail any step, choclate may get spoilt at end of the day..

     Relax guys, I will tell you the best thing in cooking choclates is that, even if you don't get desirable shape, you can break them, reheat them and use them... there will be no wastage here.. isn't it a best thing to do??  Here I prepared choclate with most simplest, homely available equipments with custard filling... Custard can be prepared with eggs or without eggs.  Both are available in my blog, do check it once because am not gonna include it... So off to our luvely choclate making....

Ingredients required

  • Choclate (Dark/Milk/White) - 200 grams
  • Pinch of butter
  • Custard filling - 4 tsp (without egg/with egg)
  • Few pomegranate seeds to top


Start heating the choclate in double boiler set up (You can also use microwave) with a pinch of butter in it.

At the sametime, Identify smallest glass/tumbler at your home.  Make sure that these glasses, when inverted should have a small base (Large base tends the choclate to break).. Keep these inverted glasses in refrigerator and take out before use.  Temperature control is an important stuff in choclate making.  Make sure you arrange your table nearby refrigerator.

When choclate has melted completely, take it and mix it well.  On the surface of the table, sprinkle chilled water and wipe it uniformly over the surface so that the plastic oven paper / baking sheet when placed over it does not move.

Now, place the plastic sheet over the wet surface.  You can see that paper gets sticked to the surface.

Spoon one ladle of melted choclate over the plastic and spread it (just like preparing dosa)

Quickly place it over the refrigerated inverted tumbler.  Very carefully place this set up in freezer for two minutes.  After two minutes, you can easily peel away choclate basket from the paper.  Repeat the same process for every basket.

 It will need some practice for you to get perfect shape.  If choclates are breaking off, dont worry, reheat them and try again,  with more and more practice you can get desirable outcome.  You can watch even some youtube videos favouring more technical information.
Now, lay out the basket and fill in each with one tsp of custard and top with pomegranate seeds..

Refrigerate this set-up to get more thick textured custard.... Just before serving, remove from fridge and serve.  Here i filled with custard, you can fill in with whatever you like...fruit salad, strawberry pieces, choclate mousee.. list goes on.....

Will any kid on enitire world say no to thisss???????  Varsha luved it a lottttt

Am also linking to Aathidhyam giveaway event

Linking this also to choclate event organized by Jagruti


  1. well explained arthy............. first time on your space and happy to follow you . visit me @ sara's tasty buds

    1. Thanks for the boost up sharanya.. :)

    2. Hi sharanya, will u be kind enough to reply me with ur blog addresss... ur profile id page is not displayed properly in my laptop..

  2. This looks superb..great if you link them to my event Chocolate

  3. refreshing...thank u for linking in..

  4. Congrats and wonderful dish. Food event and giveaway at my log, do join in!

  5. thse cups luks so cute.. i've made it bfre using muffin cups.. u cn c those n my pro pic

    Ongoing Event- Mummy Ka Magic


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