Hi guys, so we are meeting after quite a loooonnnggg time, isn't it?? Yes, I had a nice vacation at chennai and on return, my camera broke down. Am sad, bcoz literally it has broken down the bloggy stuff, but tooo happy on other side, as shama has promised me a new one :) So, let us get back to my first summer spl giveaway and event, if you had asked me few months before, about organizing events I would have said that it should be an easy task, but no... preparing event pics, registering with linkedin, following linked up posts, visiting them and thanking for link-up were ofcourse on easier side. But, deciding winners with stunning 94 posts is really, really tough though you go for an random numbering style.
I would thank all of you for contributing such beautiful, delecious posts for my event, thank you all!!
So, now follows a series of certificates for culinery excellancy
Our first award goes to best baked dessert for Manjula bharath. The name of the dish is Rasagulla blackforest cake, kindly go through the link for an delecious yummy fusion cake
The next award is best (non-baked) dessert that goes to drool-worthy falooda by Aara.
The next category is best curry (or healthy summer curry) is to Pooja agrawal for her DanaMethi kairi subzi
Best salad goes to...... no guesses here anybody can point out beautiful stuffed cucumber covering peanut & other veggies. Again bagged by Pooja agrawal for her cucumber salad
Best summer drink also goes to same (I, just now realize that she is awarded thrice honestly)
Kiwi mint masala sharbat from Pooja agrawal
The maximum contributor award goes to Priya anandakumar with stunning 24 posts. Thank you for your moral support Priya.
So, the ultimate winner of the event & giveaway is.....
21st post is linked by Linsy patel for her Vegetable deewani handi, congrauts Linsy patel you are being awarded Sanjeev kapoor's 'zero oil cookery book' Kindly mail your indian address to arthyshama7@gmail.com
Following is the participation certificates, thanks for your valuable presence in my event.