Saturday, 22 December 2012

Soy milk

Soy milk is most nutritious drink made by blending the soya beans and straining the liquid left behind.  These are easily available in packets, and there are also machines used in making them called soy milk maker that are found abundant in Asian homes.  These soy milk can be flavoured and had as such.  They are also used in making smoothies, dosas etc.  So, let us learn how to make soy mik at home...

Ingredients required

  • 200 gm soya beans
  • Water, as required
  • Fine muslin cloth (to filter)


Soak soya beans for about 12 hours.  Wash them, and heat at moderate flame for ten to fifteen minutes.  This is done to destroy any harmful enzymes, if present.  Then blend it in blender along with 2 cups water and filter using cheese cloth/muslin cloth.  This process will exactly resemble the coconut milk extraction.

After extraction, heat the milk till boiling point and again for five to ten minutes on simmer flame.  Remove, cool and refrigerate.  You can store for three days...

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