Tuesday, 20 May 2014

How to make an small batch of buttercream?

     There is always an need to stay in shape, isn't it?  Most of us are foodies and we try to explore with high-calorified contents, forgetting about their impact with our waistline:P  So, what happens when we make more than needed buttercream or any other sinful delights? We try to consume them someway or the other, adding more fat to our peaceful life.  So, as an extra-cautious tip, let me start my post about making an small batch of buttercream for your delicious bakes.

And, what is extra special about this batch is that, it has cornflour, which stabilizes the cream from high temperature. Also, due to hot summer, I prepared them with an touch of 'icebath'.   The resulting buttercream was super-creamy and delecious.  They can be cling-wrapped and stored in refrigerator, for upto two weeks.

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Yield:  One cup

Ingredients required

  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp cornflour
  • 1 cup + 1 tbspn icing sugar
  • 11/2 tsp milk/ cream


Though we are making this buttercream with ice-bath, we are not going to introduce lots of ice, since butter might harden and we may not get an perfect output.  So, here I am introducing two ice-cubes at an time and carry on the process.  Take softened butter in an dry vessel and place over ice-bath.

Beat the butter for 3-4 minutes, till the colour shifts to pale white.

Now add essence, salt and cornflour.

Adding icing sugar in batches, beat the butter for three minutes after every batch, allowing icing sugar to incorporate.

Also, scrape the sides using spatula occasionally.

Alternatively, you could add cream to soften up the buttercream.

Finally, after last addition, beat upto five minutes till the buttercream becomes soft, fluffy.

Refrigerate them cling-wrapped, this can be stored upto two weeks.

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